[DVIPDFMx] Overprinting with xelatex

Clinton Gormley clint at traveljury.com
Tue Feb 23 21:58:33 KST 2010

> If you're just adding a flat background colour you can simulate
> overprinting by adding the background colour to the type:

yeah - that's the problem. It's likely that there will be pictures as

> To post-process it, I'd either use PitStop, or just make a process
> plan in our RIP --- perhaps Ghostscript could do something similar.

> There should be a special which can be added to the .pdf to set
> overprinting for a block of type, but I've always been able to avoid
> the need to look that up.

The special, according to the PDF specs, looks pretty simple. I'm just
not sure how to use a special in xelatex

> William

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