[DVIPDFMx] the simpleset OCG demo with dvipdfmx possible ?

luoyi luoyi.ly at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 00:33:05 KST 2009

I'm trying to create probably the simplest ocg demo files with
dvipdfmx now. and after some time expreiment, still can't get the
correct result. anybody can help?

my simple file is:

\special{pdf: obj @ocg1 << /Type /OCG /Name (ringa) >> }
\special{pdf: obj @ocggroup [@ocg1] }
\special{pdf: obj @ocgcon <</BaseState (On)>> }
\special{pdf: put @catalog <</OCProperties <</OCGs [@ocggroup] /D @ocgcon>> >>}

\special{pdf: obj @ocmap <</oc1 @ocg1>>}
\special{pdf: put @resources <</Properties @ocmap >>}
\special{pdf:literal /OC /oc1 BDC}
\special{pdf:literal EMC}

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