[DVIPDFMx] Fwd: file size

Yves Maniette maniette at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 14:31:51 KST 2009

Could you extract the images of the resulting PDF files with

>  pdfimages -j file.pdf root


 and for example I found out that an jpeg image, 350 MB, changed into
postscript using jpeg2ps by Thomas Mertz had about 490 KB in both cases, but
the result of pdfimages gives 10 MB!

 If I compile with dvipdfm, the result on the same image is 350 KB, i.e. the
same as the original jpeg.

> Are you including PS files containing pictures? In this case it could
> be related to the options used for gs/ps2pdf. Ghostscript either
> converts all images it finds to bitmaps or all to JPEG. This is
> controlled with the -dAutoFilterGrayImages and -dGrayImageFilter
> options (for B&W) and similarly for colour images. With the "-vv"
> option dvipdfmx shows you the command it runs for conversion.

  yes it does ! it says


> Our default is bitmap to avoid lossy compression. I guess that for
> dvipdfm you have to check the config file. I know of no way to tell
> ghostscript to leave all images unchanged.

 In that part of dvipdfmx.config I changed both "false" to "true" and I got
the same size as dvipdfm, i.e. the images are not expanded. Therefore that
is the place where gs gets the info from.

D  "ps2pdf -dCompatibilityLevel=%v -sPAPERSIZE=a0
-dAutoFilterGrayImages=false -dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode
-dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dNOKANJI %i

 Thanks a lot.

Note: On the plamo linux distro (4.71), the dvipdfmx config file is:


 and dvipdfm config is on another branch:


thank again,

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